What happens when you stop drinking alcohol?
Bart van Grinsven Bart van Grinsven

What happens when you stop drinking alcohol?

What happens when you stop drinking alcohol?

It’s a question I have been asking myself for quite a while.

Ever since my late teen years, I have been drinking alcohol, just a few beers every now and then, and then over the weekend a few more.

Later, when I was at business school and responsible for organizing the student parties with our student club, the intake increased drastically.

It sparked my confidence and helped to have fun (I thought).

In our group of friends, it wasn’t unusual to drink a lot when we got together.

Over the years, alcohol helped me to get inspiration, and to think out of the box, but very few of those ideas and projects you come up with during those moments ever get to see the light of day.

It helped me relax, to connect with friends and strangers and to have a good time and fuel my inspiration. So I thought.

My drinking was never a problem, and I never lost control or blacked out (which is a miracle given the quantities I swallowed during my student years)

And luckily I never got addicted.

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